Chalkidiki ist ein Land im Norden Griechenlands und hat in der Geschichte des ganzen Landes eine wichtige Rolle gespielt. 348 v. Chr. wurde Chalkidiki unter Philipps Kontrolle Teil des mazedonischen Königreichs. Nach dem Ende der Kriege zwischen den Mazedoniern und den Römern wurde die Region zusammen mit dem Rest Griechenlands Teil des Römischen Reiches. Am Ende der Römischen Republik wurde in Kassandreia eine römische Kolonie besiedelt, die später von Augustus umgesiedelt wurde. Daher finden Sie in der Gegend von Chalkidiki eine große Auswahl an byzantinischen Denkmälern und Kirchen.

Petralona Cave

Petralona Cave Nature has always been an unpredictable designer. This is more than apparent when entering Petralona Cave, formed around a million years ago. Nicknamed “the red-rock cave” because of
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Mount Athos

Besides the myths though, Halkidiki has a tradition that goes well back in time. The monasteries of Mt Athos stand tall – as they have done for 1,000 years and
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Ancient Olynthos

Olynthos has a unique historical past, from the years of Aristotle and even older. The modern village is called Nea Olynthos and it is located at the base of the
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Museums in Kassandra peninsula

Kassandra peninsula has a variety of folklore museums where guests can discover the way the local habitants used to live. There are Folklore museums in Polychrono, in Kassandria, in Agia
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Monuments and churches in Halkidiki

In Halkidiki, there are ruins of early Christian churches. Christianity was first introduced in 50AD, when the Apostle Paul passed through Apollonia on his way from Philippi to Thessaloniki. Moreover,
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Ancient Stagira, birthplace of Aristotle

Ancient Stagira in northern Halkidiki is famous for being the birthplace of the great Greek philosopher, Aristotle. The village of Stagira was built near the archaeological site of Stagira. The
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Pella, the capital of the kingdom of Macedonians

Pella is best known as the ancient and wealthy capital of the kingdom of Macedon in the time of Alexander the Great and is located near Thessaloniki. There, you can
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Thessaloniki, the capital of Macedonia

Thessaloniki is the second-largest city in Greece and the capital of Macedonia, located just 100 km away from our Flegra Palace Hotel. Thessaloniki is Greece’s second major economic, industrial, commercial
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